Our research team works closely with iwi/hapu in the case study regions to develop tools and approaches to facilitate the uptake of this knowledge and its practical implementation. Mechanisms will also be put in place to facilitate uptake amongst other iwi throughout NZ.

Below you can view case studies and reports that relate to the collective mahi we have undertaken over the past six years. More detailed reports can be found here.


Faecal Contamination of Shellfish

Kaimoana on beaches

Surf Zone Shellfish Study

Horowhenua Overview

Cost Benefit Analysis of Riparian Planting of Waiwiri Stream, Horowhenua

Structure and Dynamics of the Tauranga Catchment Economy

Ecological Survey of Tauranga Harbour

Building Effective Cross-Cultural Relationships in Environment Management

Factors Affecting Populations of Toheroa

Waiwiri Stream: Sources of Poor Water Quality and Impacts on the Coastal Environment

Ohau Loop Phase 1 Existing Status and Recommendations for Improvement

Assessing Ecological Community Health

Tūhono Taiao Māori & Planning

Guiding Principles of MTM

Towards reestablishment of Toheroa

Species Distribution Models along Sediment, Nutrient and Contaminant Gradients

Enhancing Coastal Ecosystems for Iwi

Assessing the Holistic Health of Coastal Environments

Information Technology – 3D Table

Information Technology – Digital Library

Information Technology – Quadcopter/Drone

Information Technology – Online Mapping

Coastal and estuarine environments are subject to multiple sources of anthropogenic (human-caused) stress, including increasing population pressure, urbanisation of the coastal zone and nutrient/sediment runoff from agriculture and forestry.