Hokio coastal settlement to Waitohu Stream, Otaki

Key Iwi & Hapū

Ngäti Pareraukawa, (Hokio,) Muaupoko Ngäti Kikopiri, (Öhau, Muhunoa) Ngäti Hikitanga and Ngäti Kahoro
Te Mateawa, Ngäti Kapumanawawhiti ki Kuku, Ngäti Te Rangitäwhia, hapü of Ngäti Tukorehe (Kuku)
Te Kotahitanga o Ngäti Wehiwehi including hapü, Ngäti Te Rangitäwhia and Tamatatai (Waikawa and Manakau),
Ngäti Kapumanawawhiti ki Ötaki (Waitohu)

In the Horowhenua coast case study

  • Water quality and shellfish monitoring.  This will include:
    • catchment analysis and Microbial Source Tracking tests, focussing on the Waiwiri Stream, to determine faecal bacteria levels and where such pollutants are coming from. The final report can be found here.
    • review of factors affecting shellfish populations, with a focus on Toheroa – see report here.
    • as much capability development and local participation as possible in data collection and monitoring.
  • A scoping study to determine restoration options for the Ohau Loop. See the final report.
  • Integrative dynamic modelling of the key factors that impact on the coastal region.
  • Work with local groups to further examine issues surrounding the degradation of dune wetlands/lake systems, and identify restoration options.
  • Collection and analysis of Matauranga Maori /Oral History, and assess impact of (re)-engagement in coastal restoration on mana and wellbeing.
  • Continue work on valuation of coastal ecosystem services.
  • Spatial modelling of key ecosystems and ecosystem services.
  • Further analysis and modelling of the economic activity in the rohe and its environmental impact on the coast.

This research builds upon the previous “Iwi Ecosystem Services” project, publications from which can be found here. In MTM, we are building upon that land-based research to focus on ecosystem services in the coastal zone.